Economic Impact for Some Non-Traditional Agriculture Transactions of Flame Seedless Grapes

Document Type : Original Article


1 Dept. of Agric. Economics,

2 Dept. of Horticulture, Fac. Agric., Assiut Univ., Assiut, Egypt


Table grape conceders one of the most important exportable crop in Egypt, its cultivated area and value exported have steadily increased in the last few years , A window of opportunity for fresh table grapes in the foreign market, has appeared. But there is a lot of competitors make a big challenge for the Egyptian fresh table grape in the international market. For this we need to search for different means of production leads to lower production costs and increase productivity per feddan, with improved product quality and provide the longest possible period in foreign markets.
This research aims to assess the economic impact of using different types of growth enhancers and dormancy breaking agent, As well as alternatives to the organic fertilizers as a source of potassium fertilization, such as less expensive vinasse on the yield of product of flame seedless grapes.
Through the results of the experiment was conducted in farm research, Faculty of Agriculture, AssiutUniversity during the seasons 2006 and 2007, entitled "improvement of flame seedless grapes quality for exportation", has been shown:
-    There are significant differences between some of the transactions and the standard treatment.
-    The Value of potassium fertilization using potassium sulfate fertilizer is more important in terms of variable costs
-    Using vinasse by soil application with dormex ,GA3 and CPPU (sixth)achieved the highest standards of economic efficiency between experimental treatments
-    When you apply the optimal treatment (sixth), it is expected that:
1.Reducing the cost of production per ton of grapes, about 42.4% from the reality.
2.Increases in the expected total output of grapes about 64% from the reality.
3.Increase the amount of projected exports at this level of output more than 64% from the reality.
4.Decline in export price per ton of grapes to the Uk market compared with the export price of   Turkey, Germany, India,Netherlands, Chile, Morocco, to the same market as a competitors.

Main Subjects

Article Title [العربیة]

المردود الأقتصادى لبعض المعاملات الزراعية غير التقليدية للعنب الفليم اللابذرى

Authors [العربیة]

  • دالیا الشویخ 1
  • مها عبدالسلام 2
Abstract [العربیة]

يعتبر التوسع الزراعي الرأسى احد الركائز الهامة التي يعتمد عليها في تنمية القطاع الزراعي خاصة في ظل المعوقات التي تكتنف التوسع الزراعي الأفقي من حيث طول مدة الاستثمار وضخامة رأس المال المستثمر بالإضافة إلي محدودية الموارد المائية, ويعتمد هذا المحور علي الاستفادة من نتائج الدراسات البحثية التطبيقية, والتي تهدف إلي زيادة إنتاجية الموارد الزراعية, وتحسين جودة المنتج, فضلا عن خفض تكاليف الإنتاج , مما يساعد على تحقيق أعلى انتاجية حدية للموارد الزراعية من ناحية,وتؤدى إلى زيادة القدرة التنافسية للحاصلات الزراعية من ناحية أخرى.
          ويعتبر محصول العنب احد المحاصيل الهامة في مصر, حيث تبلغ مساحته حوالى 13.8% من إجمالي المساحة المزروعة بالفاكهة عام 2008, وتنتشر زراعته في معظم محافظات مصر, هذا فضلا عن أنة أحد محاصيل التصدير الواعدة التي يتزايد الطلب الخارجي عليها سنويا.