Economic and Marketing Efficiency of Some Crops of Medicinal and Aromatic Plants in the Arab Republic of Egypt

Document Type : Original Article


This research paper aims to identify the economic efficiency of five of the most important crops of medicinal and aromatic plants, namely cumin, anise, fennel, coriander and basil, during the period (2000-2017). It also aims to shed light on the marketing efficiency of these crops so as to judge the performance efficiency of the productive and marketing activity of the crops under study.


Main Subjects

Article Title [العربیة]

الکفاءة الإقتصادیة وَالتَّسْوِیقِیَّةَ لَبَعْضُ مَحَاصِیلَ النّباتَاتِ الطُّبْیَةِ وَالْعطرِیَّةِ فِی جُمْهُورِیَّةٍ مِصْرَ الْعُرْبِیَّةِ

Abstract [العربیة]

یَسْتَهْدِفُ هَذَا الْبَحْثُ التعرف عَلَى الْکَفَاءةِ الاقتصادیة لِخَمْسَةٍ مِنْ أَهُمْ مَحَاصِیلَ النّباتَاتِ الطُّبْیَةِ وَالْعطرِیَّةِ وَهِی ( الْکُمُونَ والیانسون والشمر والکزبره وَالرَّیْحانَ ) خِلَالَ الفتره مِنْ ( 2000 - 2017  ) کَمَا تَسْتَهْدِفُ أیضا القاء الضَّوْءَ عَلَى الْکَفَاءةِ التَّسْوِیقِیَّةِ لِتِلْکَ الْمَحَاصِیلِ وَذَلِکَ لِلْحُکْمِ عَلَى کَفَاءةِ الأداء الَّتِی یُتْمَ بِهَا النَّشَاطَ الإنتاجی والتسویقى لِلْمَحَاصِیلِ مَوْضُوعَ الدَّرَّاسَةِ .