Analysis of the Added Value of Recycling Cotton Stalks in Egypt

Document Type : Original Article


Statistics indicate a decline in the cropping area of Egyptian cotton and cotton yield at the same time there are some problems of direct burning of cottons stalks, which leads to pollution of the environment and loss of opportunity to manufacture and achieve added value. The research is aiming to explain the financial analysis for the enterprises which dealing with cotton stalks manufacturing. The study was relying on calculation some performance indicators beside profitability ratio and efficiency ratio. In addition to, calculate feasibility study indicators such as the net present value and benefit - cost ratio and internal rate of return.  
The financial indicators for the cotton waste recycling project, including the criteria for long-term repayment capacity, profitability ratio and efficiency ratio, showed the possibility of implementing the project and the project's ability to pay and fulfill its obligations.
The financial feasibility and sensitivity analysis of the project showed that the project is able to generate positive cash flows and that the internal rate of return of the project exceeds the cost of alternative opportunities reflected by the interest rate on capital deposits and estimated at 16%.
The added value of cottons stalks recycling was estimated at LE 2074 thousand as an average for the period 2011/2015. Which was reflecting the financial and environmental gains that could be made from the manufacture of such wastes.


Main Subjects

Article Title [العربیة]

تحلیل القیمة المضافة لتدویر حطب القطن فی مصر

Abstract [العربیة]

یمثل انتاج القطن المصدر الرئیسی للمخلفات الثانویة من حطب القطن والذی قدر بنحو 920 ألف طن خلال متوسط الفترة 2000 إلى 2015 فی حین أن المساحة المزروعة من القطن علی مستوی الجمهوریة تقدر بحوالی481 الف فدان خلال نفس الفترة السالفة الذکر، ویعتبر حطب القطن فی مصر من المخلفات الحقلیة التی یتم استخدمها کمصدر للطاقة فی الریف بنظام الحرق المباشرفی الافران البلدیة، وحالیا بدأ الاتجاه إلی الاستفادة من هذه الاحطاب فی صناعة الاخشاب لأن حرقها یمثل إهدار لکثیر من الاستخدامات البدیلة التی یمکن الحصول علیها وعلی العائد منها

Keywords [العربیة]

  • القطن-تدوير-مصر-القيمة-تحليل المضافه