Economic Study of the Situation of Livestock in Assiut

Document Type : Original Article


Animal tissue is the only source of animal protein, a vital food necessary
for a person, so it is not seen to livestock production as a kind of productive activity
is a character Da'amy in the national economy in various image, but also
considered products of the important nutrients and the necessary equipment for
body composition configuration sound natural For the production of animal it
does not obtain sufficient attention within the province where noted that the ratio
of the number of animals is very little to maintain the number of animals for the
Republic, where the figure is estimated at 6.65% in 2014.Where the number of
animals and the province and the republic was estimated at 1325,19937thousand
heads respectively.
The problem of the study: Red meat production inability to maintain to
meet the growing needs of red meat as a result of the continuing increase in the
number of population. Alternative products high red meat prices. Which leads to
resort to import from foreign markets. In the form of meat and live animals to
cover the deficit between production and consumption.
The study aims: Analysis of the productive efficiency of cattle bred traditional
system of education through the various stages of the farms sample different
strains. Evolution of the number of animals produced for meat and red meat
quantities produced from them.The development of green fodder quantities produced
and manufactured in the governorate.
The study found the following results:
1- Proved a significant change in the number of live animals from cattle,
sheep and goats.It did not prove a significant change in the number of buffalo
and BeautyDuring the period (2000-2014).
2- A surplus in the amount of green fodder producing estimated at 511 tons,
While there is a deficit in the amount of feed manufacturers and feed coarse estimated
at 2006 tons, 1449.317 tons.
3- When estimating the consumption function; When increasing the price of
red meat and fish prices rose 10% resulted in an increase in the amount of consumption
of red meat by 2.6%, 2.7%, respectively. increase the population by
10% resulting in a lack of quantities consumed by 15.7%.Moral effect of the
change has not been proven in the prices of poultry. Combination of factors is
responsible for the change in the quantities consumed by 87%.
4- In estimating production functions for different strains in different fattening
stage:Proven efficiency fattening process and the mixture of buffalo in various
stages of production (three).While proved the efficiency of the process of fattening
cattle farmyard in the first and second phases., While foreign efficiency
fattening process proved to strain during the first and third phases.
5-There were many problems facing educators which was the most prominent:
The spread of foot and mouth disease, The increase of prices of veterinary
medicines, Higher interest on loans for educators prices, Not to feed on the market
support, Higher feed prices.
The most important proposals submitted by educators were are: Establishment
of a special hand to support educators, Improving veterinary service,
Adjust feed Exchange, The establishment of private livestock insurance points.


Main Subjects

Article Title [العربیة]

دراسة أقتصادیة لوضع الثروة الحیوانیة بمحافظة أسیوط

Abstract [العربیة]

تعتبر الأنتجة الحیوانیة المصدر الوحید للبروتین الحیوانى وهو الغذاء الحیوى الضرورى
للأنسان، لذا لا ینظر إلى الأنتاج الحیوانى على أنة نوع من أنواع النش اط الإنتاجى ذو الطابع
الدعامى فى الإقتصاد القومى بمختلف صورة فحسب ، بل تعتبر ایضا منتجاتة من المواد
الغذائیة الهامة و الضروریة اللازمة لتکوین الجسم تکوینا سلیمآ طبیعیآ، وتعتبر البروتینات سواء
الحیوانیة أو النباتیة المرکب الأساسى لبر وتوبلازم الخلایا کما أنه ا المصدر الوحید لبناء اللحم
( والدم فى الکائنات الحیة ( ٣
بالنسبة للإنتاج الحیوانى فإنة لا ینال الأهتمام الکافى داخل المحافظة حیث یلاحظ أن نسبة
أعداد الحیوانات بالمحافظة ضئیل جدآ بالنسبة لأعداد الحیوانات بالجمهو ریة حیث تقدر هذة
النسبة بنحو ٦،٦٥ % عام ٢٠١٤ ، حیث قدرت أعداد الحیوانات بالمحافظة و الجمهوریة
بنحو ١٩٩٣٧،١٣٢٥ ألف رأس على التوالى . ویرجع أنخفاض أعداد الحیوانات المزرعیة إلى
أنخفاض أنتاج المحافظة من الأعلاف المختلفة سواء المصنعة (المرکزة) أو الأعلاف الخشنة
(التبن)، أو الأعلاف الخضراء (بأستثناء البرسیم و الدرا وة) التى یتم التغذیة علیها صیفا وشتاءا
مع عدم تنوع هذة الأعلاف مما یترتب ع لیة أرتفاع أسعارها من ناحیة ، وأنخفاض نصیب
الرأس من الماشیة المرباة من ناحیة أخرى ، مما یترتب علیة قلة الکمیات الموجهة فعلیا ل لرأس
من الماشیة مقارنة ب الکمیات المثلى للتغذیة المطلوبة ل لتسمین والمقررة بنحو ١٠٩٥ کجم /سنة
للأبقار، ونحو ١٤٦٠ کجم/سنة للجاموس من المواد المهضومة ( ٤) ، کذلک وجود العدید من
الصعوبات التى تواجهة المربین بالمحافظة

Keywords [العربیة]

  • محافظة اسيوط-الثروة الحيوانية-دراسة اقتصادية