The Strategic Distribution of Public Investments on the Commodity Sectors and its Impact on the Agriculture Sector in Egypt

Document Type : Research papers


Despite the importance of the agriculture sector in the Egyptian economy, but the attention of successive governments in this vital sector is not commensurate with its importance, where decreased year directed to the agriculture sector investment value, So the search target to answer the following questions: Are there significant differences in public investment between commodity sectors?, Is the public investment distribution in Egypt on economic sectors according to the coefficient of employment or the rate of investment?, What the amount of the target in the agriculture sector of public investment according to the most important factors specific to him? And what the extent of deviation from the actual public investment target counterpart?, Does the value of public investment in the agricultural sector affect on the amount of both domestic and foreign investment?, turns out that there are significant differences confirmed statistically in the value of public investment between commodity sectors and some of them, it turns out that, despite the fact that the agriculture sector came first as one of the sectors most efficient in terms of minimum investment required to hire one worker value but it shares in second place and the third in terms of overall communicated to him the investment value, and that, despite the fact that both agriculture and the construction sector come in the first place as the most sectors efficiency in terms of return on the British investor, however, each comes in third and last place in the public directed to two investment value, As it turns out that the desired level of public investment in Egypt exceeds the actual counterpart, with an average ratio target of public investment actual counterpart level during the study period of about 1.76%, it has been shown to increase public sector investment in the agriculture sector increased by 100% lead to increased gross domestic product for the same sector by 17%, which represents a case of diminishing return on Sahoy references to the need for the agricultural sector to receive more public investment to reach the economic efficiency gay, and it turns out that the most important determinants of value for domestic investment is the total state spending on infrastructure the agriculture sector to the age of its predecessor and return on your investment, as well as the total state spending on infrastructure agriculture sector to the age of its predecessor is the determining factor for the value of agricultural foreign investment.


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Article Title [العربیة]

إستراتیجیة توزیع الاستثمارات العامة على القطاعات السلعیة وإنعکاساتها على قطاع الزراعة فی مصر

Abstract [العربیة]

یعتبر الإستثمار الزراعی الأداة الرئیسیة لتحقیق أهداف التنمیة الاقتصادیة الزراعیة، حیث یعتبر أحد العوامل المحددة لمسار النمو فی الدول النامیة، کما یعتبر المصدر الرئیسی لتوسیع الطاقة الإنتاجیة بإدخال أسالیب إنتاجیة حدیثة ترفع من مستوی الأداء داخل القطاع الزراعی کماً وکیفاً من خلال الدور الذی یلعبه الإستثمار فی نقل التکنولوجیا ومن ثم زیاده الصادرات، وتعمل إستراتیجیة التنمیة حالیاً فی مصر علی التحول إلی إقتصادیات السوق بحیث یقتصر دور الحکومة علی القیام بالخدمات الأساسیة والمشروعات الإستراتیجیة التی لا یستطیع القطاع الخاص القیام بها، وهذا لا یعنی إطلاقاً إنسحاب الدولة أو إلغاء دورها فی النشاط الاقتصادی ولکن تقلیص هذا الدور مع ضرورة تحقیق الکفاءة، نظراً لأن البنیة الأساسیة الاقتصادیة والاجتماعیة التی تضطلع بها الحکومة لازمة لکى یستطیع القطاع الخاص الاستثمار فی قطاع الزراعة من ثم یتمکن القطاع الزراعی من تحقیق المعدلات المثلی للنمو.

Keywords [العربیة]

  • الاستثمارات العامة
  • القطاعات السلعية
  • قطاع الزراعة فى مصر
  • التحليل الإحصائي الوصفي والکمي