Towards an Extension Program for Raising Farmer‘s Efficiency in The Area of Integrated Pest Management for Sugar can in Dishna & Qus District's, Qena Governorate

Document Type : Original Article


The study aimed to proposal to build an extension program in the field of Integrated Pest Management for sugar cane, through the identification of some of the personal and professional characteristics of farmers respondents, and to identify the level of knowledge and application of growers of sugar practices relating Integrated Pest Management, and to identify the agricultural characteristics of the studied relationship and the level of their knowledge and their application practices studied, and identify the most important problems facing farmers in the application of practices related to Integrated Pest Management for sugar cane, and knowledge of the most important solutions and proposals to activate the application of agricultural practices related to Integrated Pest Management for sugar cane.
The current study Qena conducted was chosen as two of the centers of the province, namely (Dishna - Qus), where they are less focused for the average production per acre, was chosen three villages from each center, Ezbt –El-alfi, Abu Diab Ghrb, Abu Manna Bahary respectively inaugurated Center, and Khuzam, and Maari, Jrajos Shark respectively qus Center.
The selection of a random sample (10%) of sugar cane farmers of the centers studied was 247 farms. The data collected using a questionnaire method interview personal respondents the beginning of the month of November 2015 to the month of March 2016.
As used percentages, and frequencies, the relative weight, and chi square test tools for statistical analysis.
The most important results of the study showed that:
1- More than three-quarters of farmers by respondents (77.7% & 76.5%) on the knowledge of the recommendation on both vital and legislative control, respectively, and that more than half of them by (58.7%) do not apply Special Recommendation Pest  Control vital, while half of them applied by (50.2%) recommendation legislative Pest Control.
2- That nearly two-thirds of farmers by respondents (64.4%), the average level of knowledge with respect to the recommendations on agricultural and mechanical Pest Control, and that more than two-thirds by (69.2%) with the average level of knowledge also the recommendations of the chemical control.
3- That the majority of farmers by respondents (81%), the average level of their implementation of the recommendations of agricultural pest, and more than half of them by (56.3%), the average level of their implementation of the recommendations relating to mechanical Pest Control, and (64.8%) of the respondents' level of farmers apply them low for recommendations Chemical control.
4- The results also showed that there were significant relationship between personal characteristics studied: the type of tenure, and community participation, and attend training courses, and the importance of the sources of information and the level of knowledge of the recommendations of agricultural pest. And the existence of a significant relationship between community participation and the application of the recommendations of the agricultural, chemical and mechanical control.
5-The most important problems facing respondents in the application of integrated pest management recommendations for sugar cane pest is the high cost of fertilizers, high diesel fuel prices, lack of fertilizers, irrigation and high cost, lack of employment, and the weakness of the role of agricultural extension.
6- The most important proposals made by the respondents is to support agricultural farms, raising the price per ton of sugar cane crop, providing fertilizer association, and provide information to them.


Main Subjects

Article Title [العربیة]

نحو برنامج إرشادی لرفع کفاءة الزراع فی مجال المکافحة المتکاملة لآفات قصب السکر فی مرکزی دشنا وقوص بمحافظة قنا

Abstract [العربیة]

استهدفت تلک الدراسة بصفة رئیسیة مقترح بناء برنامج إرشادی فی مجال المکافحة المتکاملة لآفات قصب السکر، وذلک من خلال التعرف على بعض الخصائص الشخصیة والمهنیة للزراع المبحوثین، والتعرف على المستوى المعرفی والتطبیقی لزراع قصب السکر للممارسات المتعلقة بالمکافحة المتکاملة للآفات، والتعرف على علاقة خصائص أفراد العینة المدروسة ومستوى معارفهم وتطبیقهم للممارسات المدروسة، وکذلک تحدید أهم المشکلات التی تواجه الزراع فی تطبیق الممارسات المتعلقة بالمکافحة المتکاملة لآفات قصب السکر، ومعرفة أهم الحلول والمقترحات لتفعیل تطبیق الزراع للممارسات المتعلقة بالمکافحة المتکاملة لآفات قصب السکر.
أجریت الدراسة الحالیة بمحافظة قنا ، حیث تم اختیار مرکزین من مراکز المحافظة وهما (دشنا – قوص) حیث أنهما أقل مرکزین بالنسبة لمتوسط إنتاج الفدان من محصول قصب السکر، وتم اختیار ثلاث قرى من کل مرکز وهی عزبة الألفی ، وأبو دیاب غرب ، وأبو مناع بحری على الترتیب بمرکز دشنا ، وخزام ، والمعری، وجراجوس شرق على الترتیب بمرکز قوص.
تم اختیار عینة عشوائیة بنسبة (10%) من زراع قصب السکر من القرى المدروسة بمراکز الدراسة بلغ حجمها 247 مزارعاً. وتم جمع البیانات المیدانیة باستخدام أسلوب الاستبیان بالمقابلة الشخصیة للمبحوثین بدایة من شهر نوفمبر 2015 إلى شهر مارس 2016.
کما استخدمت النسب المئویة ، والتکرارات ، والوزن النسبی ، واختبار مربع کای کأدوات للتحلیل الإحصائی واستخلاص نتائج الدراسة.

Keywords [العربیة]

  • الزراع-قصب السکر-الآفات-قنا- مرکزي دشنا وقوص- المکافحة
  • برنامج إرشادي