Improvement the Production of Red Roomy Grapevines under Warm Climatic Conditions

Document Type : Original Article


1 Pomology Dept., Faculty of Agriculture, Assiut University

2 Pomplogy Department, Fac. Agric., Assiut University


This experiment was carried out at the Experimental station of the faculty of Agriculture, Assiut University during two successive seasons 2016/2017 on Red Roomy grapevines. The beneficial effects of spraying Dormex at 4%, Salicylic acid at 5%, Garlic oil at 2%, camphor oil at 2% and Lemon grass oil at 2% on bud break and improve the Red Roomy production under warm climate were investigated. The experiment was arranged in a complete randomized design with three replicates per treatment, one vine per each. The results indicated that all treatments were very effective on breaking bud dormancy and improving the yield and quality of the berries compared with the check treatments. The best results regarding the improvement of cluster compactness coefficient, number of berries and berry setting were obtained with spraying lemon grass oil at 2% and camphor oil at 2%. No significant differences were found between Dormax and the other compounds.


Main Subjects

Article Title [العربیة]

تحسین انتاجیة شجیرات العنب الرومى الاحمر تحت ظروف المناخ الدافئ

Authors [العربیة]

  • إیمان عبد الحکیم عبد الله أبوزید 1
  • ابتسام فتحى محمد 2
1 قسم الفاکهة – کلیة الزراعة – جامعة أسیوط
2 قسم الفاکهة – کلیة الزراعة – جامعة أسیوط
Abstract [العربیة]

اجریت هذه الدراسة خلال موسمى 2016, 2017 على شجیرات العنب الرومى الاحمر المنزرعة فى مزرعة الفاکهة التابعة لکلیة الزراعة جامعة اسیوط بهدف دراسة ثاثیر الرش بالدورمیکس (4%) وحمض السالسلیک(5%) وبترکیز 2% من زیت الثوم وزیت الکافور وزیت حشیشة اللیمون وذلک فى الاسبوع الاول من شهر فبرایر على تفتح البراعم والمحصول وجودة الثمار.
ولقد صممت التجربة بتصمیم قطاعات کاملة العشوائیة وثلاث مکررات لکل معاملة وشجیرة لکل مکررة

Keywords [العربیة]

  • الأحمر فسيح
  • والمنتجات الطبيعية
  • وکسر السکون
  • Dormex
  • وحامض الساليسيليک