
1 Agric. Econ. Res. Instit- Agric. Res. Center, Dokki, Egypt

2 Agric. Econ. Department, Assiut University, Egypt


Wheat is considered  one of the most important crop, and the essential food products in Egypt. So, it take the attention of economic policy makers to overcome the food gap between production and consumption .
The study aims mainly to analyze the impacts of some domestic and international policies on production, consumption and imports of wheat. For this purpose data of each of cultivated area, productivity, farm gate price, production costs, net return, consumption and imports of wheat are used during the study period (1990-2006) .
The results indicated that the production of wheat during (1990-2006) tends to increase by 238 thousand tons annually, representing 3.89% of the average production which was about 6012 thousand tons. In addition , the consumption of wheat during the some period tends to increase by 147 thousand tons annually, representing 1.34% of the average consumption, which was a bout 10800 thousand tons. The study estimated the wheat food gap by 4940 thousand tons during the same period .
The results obtained from the suitable supply response function of wheat in Egypt during the period (1990-2006) indicated that the wheat cultivated area was affected positively by the farm price and the cultivated area lagged by one year(t-1) .
The results obtained showed that the annual increase in the net return of wheat estimated by 66 L.E per feddan annually .
The domestic demand function of Egyptian wheat was estimated. The results showed that the imported quantity of wheat was affected positively by the increasing population and the sorghum price.
Several recommendations have been discussed in the study to improve the Egyptian wheat production and imports.

Main Subjects

Article Title [العربیة]

دراسة اقتصادية لمحصول القمح فى جمهورية مصر العربية

Authors [العربیة]

  • جمال الدٌين محمد زكى 1
  • ،ممدوح السٌيد محمود 1
  • سوزان عبد المجٌيد أبو المجد 2
1 معهد بحوث االاقتصاد الزراعًى
2 قسم االاقتصاد الزراعًى كلٌية الزراعة – جامعة أسٌيوط
Abstract [العربیة]

يعتبر محصول القمح من أهم محاصيل الحبوب ليس فى مصر فحسب بل على مستوى العالم إذ يشغل أكبر مساحة فى العالم بالنسبة لهذه المحاصيل ، ويعد الثالث بين محاصيلنا الزراعية من حيث المساحة، وتشير الأدلة الأثرية التاريخية على أن مصر من أقدم بلدان العالم زراعة له إذ أنه يزرع منذ حوالى 6 ألاف سنة(2)0 وترجع أهميته كمحصول غذائي إذ أنه يصنع منه الخبز والمشتقات الأخرى للدقيق الذي يمثل 25% من الوزن الكلى للغذاء فى المجتمع المصرى وما يزيد عن 50% من الاستهلاك الكلى للحبوب، ويمد الجسم بحوالى 37% من احتياجاته الحرارية وحوالي 45% من البروتين الكلى ونحو 52% من جملة نصيبه من البروتين النباتى(2) مما يبرز أهميته كمحصول غذائي هام للسكان0