Analytical Study of the Most Important Seasons Export of Pomegranates, Strawberries in Egypt

Document Type : Original Article


This study aims to identify the seasons export during the period (2011-2015), as well as predict the quantities and prices of Egypt's exports to Pomegranate and Strawberries.
By studying of  the seasons export of  Pomegranate is clear that the most important export periods is the period of (Jul-Nov),and an average of about 97.3x103 tons, equivalent to about 95.9% of average study period of about 101.5x103 tons. It is clear also that the most months of increased overseas demand for pomegranate represents months with high export prices, which means increasing export turnover. As shown by the results of seasonal prediction using the general trend for months period (2011-2015), the total expected export quantity of pomegranate in the years 2016, 2017, 2018, 2019, 2020 are increasing by about 97.5%, 127.4%, 157.3%, 187.3%, 217.2%, respectively, compared with the average period referred to. It is clear also that demand for pomegranate will be increasing during the period from (Aug-Nov) and at a rate of about 92.66% of the total amount estimates for the years from 2016 until 2020. By estimating prices during (2016-2020) it represent about 50.1%, 66.9%, 83.7%, 100.5%, 117.2%, respectively, compared with an average period (2011-2015) has been shown to may, November, February, October, September months are the highest prices while export prices are approaching the values ​​at rates comparable between months.
By studying of the seasons export of Strawberries is clear that the period of (Dec-Mar) consider the most important export periods, and an average of about 52.8x103 tons, representing about 82.4% of average study period which represents about 64.08 thousand tons, also that period consider the highest export prices, which means that the months when are of increased in demand in the strawberry fall within the high prices in the months which means increasing export turnover.
According to the results of seasonal prediction shows that the quantity expected to be export to the Strawberry in the years 2016, 2017, 2018, 2019, 2020 are increasing by about by 10.6%, 14.2%, 17.8%, 21.4%, 25%, respectively, compared with the average period referred to.  It is clear also that demand for strawberry will be increasing during the period from (Dec-Mar) and at a rate of about 81.1% of the total amount estimates for the years from 2016 until 2020. By estimating prices during (2016-2020). It represent about 3.52%, 4.7%, 5.88%, 7.06%, 8.24, respectively, compared with an average period (2011-2015) has been shown to may, is the months of December, February, January to March is the highest rise in prices.


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Article Title [العربیة]

دراسة تحلیلیة لأهم المواسم التصدیریة للرمان و مصر فی مصر

Abstract [العربیة]

یعتبر التصدیر عنصراً هاماً لتحقیق النمو الاقتصادی، حیث یعتبر أحد المکونات الرئیسیه لحصیلة الدولة من النقد الأجنبی اللازم لتمویل برامج التنمیة الاقتصادیة. کما یعتبر تنشیط الصادرات من الأدوات المهمة لعلاج الاختلال فی المیزان التجاری، لذلک تلعب التجارة الخارجیة دوراً مؤثراً فی خدمة الاقتصاد القومی، حیث تساهم فی زیادة الدخل القومی ورفع مستویات المعیشة للمواطنین علی أساس أن نمو التجارة الخارجیة من المحددات الرئیسیة لمعدل نمو الناتج القومی. وتحظى الصادرات الزراعیة باهتمام الکثیرین إلا أن هناک بعض من الحاصلات البستانیة التصدیریة الواعدة والتى تتمتع بمیزه نسبیة وتنافسیة لم تحظى باهتمام الباحثین، ومن هذه الحاصلات على سبیل المثال والتى اختصت الدراسة بهما محصولى الرمان والفراولة حیث تم اختیار الرمان(کمحصول من محاصیل الفاکهه) والفراولة (کمحصول من محاصیل الخضر)، لذا یلزم علینا السعی وراء زیادة حجم الصادرات منهما قدر المستطاع من خلال إجراء المزید من الدراسات لمعرفة مواسم الطلب الخارجی علیهما.

Keywords [العربیة]

  • دراسة تحليلية-المواسم التصديرية- الرمان- مصر-