The Economics of Dairy Milk Production and the most Important Factors Affecting it in Egypt

Document Type : Original Article


Represented the research problem in the palaces or the Egyptian production capacity deciduous inability to meet the growing consumer needs of the dairy and keep pace as a result of the continuing increase in the numbers of the population, and the increase in health food and awareness of, and familiarity with some consumers the possibility of access to their animal protein from milk and milk products at a lower cost than they receive it from through other sources of animal protein such as meat red and white.
The research aimed to reach the study of the evolution of cows, buffaloes, goats, dairy production, and also the study of the most important factors affecting milk production in Egypt during the period (1998-2014).
• Search Results shows that the average quantity produced from the local dairy during the study period had amounted to about 5.1 million tons, representing cows production of which about 2.54 million tons, and at a rate of about 48.85% of the average total quantity produced from the milk, while the average amount of dairy buffalo has reached produced during the same period reached 2.43 million tons, and at a rate of about 48.17%, while dairy goats has reached the proportion of the amount produced during the same period, including about 2.49%, and an average production of about 125,000 tons.
• The results shows that the most important factors affecting the quantity produced dairy is the green fodder and the number of female cows area and productivity of the head of them and the numbers of female buffalo and productivity of the head of them, respectively, and that


Main Subjects

Article Title [العربیة]

اقتصادیات إنتاج الألبان وأهم العوامل المؤثرة علیها فی مصر

Abstract [العربیة]

یعد اللبن الخام من الأغذیة التی تقی الإنسان من الأمراض لاحتوائه على العدید من   العناصر الغذائیة والفیتامینات والأملاح المعدنیة التی یحتاجها جسم الإنسان، کما أنه من مصادر الغذاء الصحی الکامل المتوازن، فضلا عن انه یحتل مکانة لا یستهان بها فی کل من القطاع الحیوانی والزراعی، کما وصل حجم إنتاج الألبان فی مصر عام 2014 الى حوالی5.67 ملیون طن، یدخل جزء کبیر منه فی صناعة منتجات الألبان ، ویتم استهلاک 20% لبنا معبأ فی حین أن 80% من حجم استهلاک المواطن یتم من اللبن السائب ، ویصل استهلاک الفرد من الألبان30 لتر سنویا منها 4 لترات فقط من اللبن المعبأ، والباقی لبن سائب رغم انه یضم العدید من المیکروبات التی تسبب أمراض عدیدة وغیر مطابق للمواصفات القیاسیة.

Keywords [العربیة]

  • إنتاج الألبان
  • تطور انتاج الالبان
  • الناتج المحلي