The Statistical Estimation of the Standard Model Agricultural Labor Market in Assiut Governorate

Document Type : Original Article


The human element, of Work is considered one of the main resources productive in the national economy and the most important element of the promotion of agriculture production. Agricultural employment constitute essential component in the work force at national level, which gave the importance of the agricultures sector now and in the future. The problem of this study in the economic changes in the demand for agricultural labor and agricultural working wages and the value of agricultural production, the study aims to shed light on the evolution of the wages and the productivity of the agricultural working group as well as the study of the evolution of a function the demand for agricultural labor. The study depends on empirical resents in economic analysis of both quantity, descriptive and multiple regression using variables photo Dummy Variables to identify the effects of statistical changes economic policies on the variables appreciated by estimating the test (Chow Test), and  this study depend on secondary data published and unpublished from the central Public Mobilization and statistics and records of the Information and Decision Support Center in Assiut Governorate, one of the most important results of the findings of the study, to indicate the existence of a direct relationship with the economic logic of between the demand for agricultural labor and all of the value of agricultural production, the technological level, the productivity of the agricultural working group, harvest area, and to indicate the existence of inverse relationship in accordance with the economic logic of between the remuneration of the agricultural working group and all the variables interpretative declarations the subject of the study, it was also found that the wage of sunshine more than an increase in the level of technological development, this is due to the use of agricultural labor skilled can use modern technology and developed, including the increase in the technological level by one unit to increase the statistically morale in the average wage of Agricultural Working Group about 69 pounds at the moral level 1%.
The study recommends increased attention and raises the wage levels of national employment in general and particularly agricultural employment by creating new jobs. as well as the need to expand the reclamation and cultivation of new territories to create new jobs and attention to increase and improve the value of agricultural production in domestic and foreign markets to encourage farm production and not to migrate  to other sectors more remuneration from agriculture sector.


Main Subjects

Article Title [العربیة]

التقدیر الإحصائی لنموذج قیاسی لسوق العمالة الزراعیة فی محافظة أسیوط

Abstract [العربیة]

تعتبر العمالة بصفة عامه والعمالة الزراعیة بصفة خاصة أحد أهم موارد المجتمع، ویعتبر الإستغلال الکفء للموارد وصیانتها رکنان أساسیان لأى خطة تنمیه سلیمة، إذ أنه بدون صیانة الموارد لا یمکن أن ینجح استغلالها، وحیث أن عملیة تخطیط القوى البشریة تعتبر عملیة موازنة بین الموارد والاحتیاجات من قوة العمل، وعنصراً هاماً ترکز علیه الخطط الإقتصادیة، فأن الامر یتطلب التعرف على احصاءات الموارد البشریة لأنها أساس کل تنمیه. وتعتبر الموارد البشریة فى مصر ثروة قومیه تفوق ما عداها من الثروات الاخرى ویمثل تزایدها فى نفس الوقت مشکله کبرى، تتمثل فى ضغط سکانى شدید وتزاید علی الموارد الإقتصادیة الزراعیة المتاحة للإستثمار سواء کانت موارد أرضیة او رأسمالیة، ویقدر عدد السکان فى مصر بحوالى 86,81 ملیون نسمه عام 2014م موزعین بین الریف والحضر بنسبة بلغت نحو 57,3% لسکان الریف والنسبة الباقیة فى الحضر([1])، بینما فى محافظة أسیوط محل الدراسة بلغ عدد السکان حوالى 4,38 ملیون نسمه عام 2014م یمثل عدد السکان الریفیین حوالى78,1% من إجمالی عدد سکان المحافظة ([2])، یعمل بالزراعة منهم نحو29% یمثلون نحو23% من إجمالی سکان المحافظة

Keywords [العربیة]

  • العمالة الزراعية
  • محافظة أسيوط-لنموذج قياسي لسوق العمالة الزراعية-