Combining Ability and Types of Gene Action in Yellow Maize (Zea mays L.)

Document Type : Original Article


1 Agronomy Dept., Fac. of Agric., Assiut Univ.

2 Maize Research Program, FCRI., ARC

3 2Maize Research Program, FCRI., ARC


Twenty six yellow maize inbred lines were topcrossed with three testers, i.e. inbred line Gm-1002, inbred line Gm-1021 and SC-155 at Mallawy Agric. Res. Station to produce 78 topcrosses. The crosses were evaluated at two locations, Gemmeiza (Gm) and Mallawy (Mall) Agric. Res. Stations in 2005 season.. In 2006 season two experiments were carried out at Gemmeiza and Mallawy Agric. Res. Station to evaluate 52 single crosses, 26 three way crosses (TWC) and three check hybrids, namely; SC-155, SC Pioneer-3084 and TWC-352 for days to 50% silking, ear length, no. of rows/ear, no. of kernels/row, 100-kernel weight and grain yield/plot . Combined analysis over the two locations revealed that the mean squares due to crosses, lines, testers and line x tester were significant or highly significant for the studied traits, except testers and line x tester for no. of rows/ear. The interactions of crosses, lines and testers x location were significant or highly significant for the studied traits, except the crosses x location for no. of rows/ear, lines x location for grain yield (Kg/plot) and tester x location for no. of rows/ear and 100-kernel weight. Mean squares due to lines x testers x location interaction were highly significant for ear length and no. of kernels/row.
The combined data showed that variance magnitude due to σ2 GCA-L was higher than σ2 GCA-T for all studied traits, except grain yield (Kg/plot), indicating that most of the total GCA variance was due to lines. The ratio σ2A2D was less than unity for no. of kernels/row and grain yield/plot, indicating that the dominance gene action played an important role in the inheritance of these traits. On the other side, the ratio σ2A2D was more than unity for days to 50% silking, ear length and 100-kernel weight.
For grain yield per plot, the combined data revealed that six single crosses (L-13, 9, 14 and L-1 x Gm-1021) and (L-8 and L-9 x Gm-1002) outyielded the best check hybrid SC-3084 by 23.47, 21.64, 19.75, 14.50, 13.66 and 9.45%, respectively. The best 3-way crosses were L-1, 20, 3, 7, 22 and L-25 x SC-155. These 3-way crosses out yielded the check hybrid TWC-352 by 43.


Main Subjects

Article Title [العربیة]

القدرة على التآلف وطرز الفعل الجينى فى الذرة الشامية الصفراء

Authors [العربیة]

  • مسعد الحفنى 1
  • السيد حسب الله 1
  • مجدى عبدالمولى 2
  • خالد ابراهيم 3
Abstract [العربیة]

تم إجراء التهجين القمى بين 26 سلالة مرباة داخليا مع ثلاث كشافات وهى السلالة النقية جميزة 1002 والسلالة النقية جميزة 1021 والهجين الفردى  155  فى محطة البحوث الزراعية بملوى فى موسم 2005 للحصول على 78 هجين قمى.  تم تقيم 52 هجين فردى و 26 هجين ثلاثى مع ثلاثة هجن مقارنة هجين فردى 155 وهجين فردى بيونير 3084 والهجين الثلاثى 352 فى محطتي البحوث الزراعية بالجميزة وملوي لصفات عدد الأيام حتى ظهور 50% من الحراير و طول الكوز وعدد الصفوف فى الكوز وعدد الحبوب فى الصف ووزن 100 حبة ومحصول القطعة. اظهر تحليل التباين المشترك أن متوسطات مربعات الاختلافات كانت معنوية أو عالية المعنوية فى الهجن والسلالات والكشافات ما عدا صفة عدد الصفوف فى الكوز بالنسبة للكشافات والتفاعل بين السلالات والكشافات. كذلك أظهرت التفاعلات بين كلا من الهجن والسلالات والكشافات مع المواقع اختلافات معنوية أو عالية المعنوية فى الصفات المدروسة ما عدا صفة عدد الصفوف فى الكوز بالنسبة للهجن فى المواقع ومحصول القطعة بالنسبة للسلالات فى المواقع وعدد الصفوف فى الكوز ووزن-100 حبة بالنسبة للكشافات فى المواقع. اظهر التفاعل بين السلالات والكشافات والمواقع اختلافات عالية المعنوية لصفات طول الكوز وعدد الحبوب فى الصف.