The Current and Future Situation of Important Medical Plants Exports

Document Type : Original Article


Agricultural Research Institute


Medical and aromatic plants are non-traditional promising crops that might significantly contribute. via their exports. to increasing state's returns of foreign currency and. hence. improve the trade balance. Although the state encourages expansion of cultivating such crops. it is noted that such increase is small despite the corresponding increase in prices or exports compared to the total value of the Egyptian agricultural exports in the period (1995-2012). Such increase is small on one hand. and focused in certain markets. on the other hand. particularly due to the political and economic events in Egypt recently. This would bring several risks if any defects strike the structure of these countries. This paper aims at studying the relative importance of Egyptian medical & aromatic plants exports. and to measure the stability of such exports as well as the geographic distribution and seasonal pattern of Egyptian medical plants exports and their important importing markets. In addition. the quantities and prices of Egyptian medical plants exports using the Automatic Regressive Integrated – Moving Average (ARIMA) Model. Several results were reached. The most important results are:-

Main Subjects

Article Title [العربیة]

الوضع الراهن والمستقبلى للصادرات المصرية لأهم النباتات الطبية

Authors [العربیة]

  • أسماء إسماعيل عيد
  • إيهاب مريد شرابين
معهد بحوث الاقتصاد الزراعي
Abstract [العربیة]

تعتبرمجموعة النباتات الطبية و العطرية من أقدم النباتات التى عرفها وإستخدمها الأنسان على مر العصور فى أغراض شتى ، فكان تارة يستخدمها كغذاء وأخرى كدواء وفى العصور الوسطى والحديثة  ظهر جليا للعيان مدى أهمية هذه النباتات وتعددت إستخداماتها فبدأت تدخل فى بعض الصناعات الغذائية كمواد حافظة ومكسبات للطعم وفاتحات شهية وغيرها من الأستخدامات ذات الأهمية الأقتصادية .