An Economic Study of the Summer Sorghum Crop- Assiut Governorate

Document Type : Original Article


Sorghum is considered one of the most important crops in Egypt, it is considered the third grain summer crop, after rice and corn according to the space of the cultivated area. It is also used in making bread and fodder for animals and poultry. The research is aiming at recognizing the production possibilities of sorghum in Assiut Governorate via estimating the function of production and the cost, also, estimating the effect of Types Technology on the transmitting of the production function of the crop and also estimating the loss from the crop and the consequent effects. The study showed the following results:
By estimating the functions of the crops production of the three productive groups and the total of the research sample, the research shows the stability of the morality statistics of the complete pattern and the provisional pattern at level 0.01.
For the first owners group, the stability of the morality statistics of the independent factors (numbers of labors S2, seeds quality S4, the quantity of fertilizers, number of nitrate fertilizers units S6) and the flexibility of the total productivity reached 1.07 it indicates the increase of the revenue on capacity. The results of the second owners group refers to the stability of the moral effect of the independent factors which is the cultivated land S1. The number of labors hands, number of automatic labor hours (S3) and the quantity of the fertilizers (S5). The total of research sample refers to the stability of the moral effect of the independent factors which are the cultivated land (S1), the number of the labor hands (S2), the quantity of the seed (S4), the number of the nitrate fertilizers (S6); the flexibility of the total production is 1.086 and it refers to the increase in the revenue capacity.
By evaluating the production cost functions of the summer sorghum, the research results indicate to the stability of the statistical morality of the three owners groups, and that the total research sample is at the level of 0.01. According to the first owners group, the optimum volume of the production amounted 17.17 Ardeb/Feddan, the maximum volume of the profit is about 306.77 L.E./Ardeb, and the economical efficiency is about 0.96.  Meanwhile, the previous economical derivatives of cost functions of the second owners group amounted 17.83 Ardeb, 18.75 Ardeb, 0.95, 276.04, respectively, and the third owners group amounted 18.28 Ardeb, 19.40 Ardeb, 262.64 L.E./Ardeb, 0.980 respectively. As regards the total research sample, the optimum volume of production amounted 19.56 Ardeb, about 20.68 Ardeb for the maximum volume, about 274.83 L.E. and 0.996 for both of the economical price and efficiency.
The study recommends the following:
* The necessity of replacing Horus products with the other products and generalizing it on the level of the governorate.
* Aiming at reducing the crop loss in the various marketing operations and this is for rationalizing the water consumption and reducing costs.


Main Subjects

Article Title [العربیة]

دراسة إقتصادیة لمحصول الذرة الرفیعة الصیفیة بمحافظة أسیوط

Abstract [العربیة]

یعتبر محصول الذرة الرفیعة من محاصیل الحبوب الغذائیة الهامة فی مصر، حیث یعتبر ثالث محصول حبوب صیفی بعد الأرز والذرة الشامیة من حیث المساحة، ویزرع بمصر سنویاً فی مساحة 358 ألف فدان تقریباً کمتوسط الفترة (1997-2014) وتبلغ المساحة المزروعة بمحافظة أسیوط حوالی 120 ألف فدان سنویاً خلال متوسط نفس الفترة أی یترکز حوالی 33.5% من متوسط المساحة المزروعة بمصر بمحافظة أسیوط، کما تساهم الذرة الرفیعة بشکل رئیسی فی صناعة الأعلاف لتغذیة الماشیة والدواجن، هذا وتحتل مصر المرتبة الأولی من حیث الغلة الفدانیة بین دول العالم المنتجة لهذا المحصول.
مشکلة البحث:
بالرغم من الجهود المبذولة من جانب الدولة فی قطاع الزراعة للتوسع فی زراعة محاصیل الحبوب بصفة عامة والذرة الرفیعة بصفة خاصة لزیادة الإنتاجیة الفدانیة من خلال إستنباط الأصناف ذات الإنتاجیة العالیة وکذلک إستخدام الأسالیب الحدیثة فی الزراعة إلا أن المساحة المزروعة بالذرة الرفیعة أخذت فی التذبذب وأدی ذلک إلی عدم کفایة الإنتاج للإستهلاک المحلی، الأمر الذی أدی إلی زیادة کمیة الواردات منها بما یؤثر بالسلب علی حصیلة النقد الأجنبی.

Keywords [العربیة]

  • محافظة اسيوط-الذرة الرفيعة الصيفية-دراسة اقتصادية