Economic Study of Fisheries at North Sinia Governorate

Document Type : Original Article


The National Institute for Marine and Fisheries Sciences - Suez


The total fish production in North Sinai Governorate during the period from 2007-2018 was estimated at 5740.9 tons, with a relative importance estimated at 0.4% of the total Egyptian fisheries, including Lake Bardawil, it was estimated at 4146.2 tons, and that fish production in the Mediterranean Sea in North Sinai Governorate was estimated at 1594.6 Tons, and the relative importance of Lake Bardawil was estimated at about 72% in North Sinai, and the importance of the Mediterranean by about 28% in North Sinai, and the relative importance of fish varieties, crabs, shrimps, the purée family, other varieties, lot, were estimated at 30%, 21%, 16.3 %, 7.5%, 4.4% and 0.6%, respectively, with the Bardawil Lake fisheries, And that the total costs of the bear trade were estimated at 30,966 pounds, at a cost estimated at 13.3 pounds / kilo. Fish, and the average total production of the bear craft was estimated at 2325 kilograms of fish, and the total income was estimated at 69,750 pounds, and the bear craft achieved net income, estimated at 38,783 pounds. The total cost of the reed craft was estimated at 69,450 pounds, at a cost of 11 pennies / kilo. Fish, and the average total production of the reed craft was estimated at 6300 kilograms of fish, and the total income was estimated at 189,000 pounds, and the bear craft achieved a net income, estimated at 119549 pounds. As for the socio-economic survey of fishermen, it was possible to identify the relative importance of the profession of parents, the ownership of fishermen, and the quality of housing, and to identify the most important problems faced by the development of fish wealth within the fisheries of North Sinai Governorate, and the problems were numerous, including the problem of low income, and it occupied the first place With an estimated number of about 520 fishermen, and a relative importance estimated at about 93%, and in the last place, the problem of the role of cooperative societies came, with a relative importance estimated at about 27%, and an estimated number of about 150 fishermen.


Main Subjects

Article Title [العربیة]

دراسات اقتصاديه للمصايد السمکيه فى محافظة شمال سيناء

Author [العربیة]

  • سعد سالم سويلم زايد
المعهد القومى لعلوم البحار والمصايد – السويس
Abstract [العربیة]

تقع بحيرة البردويل شمال شبه جزيرة سيناء، ويقدر طولها بحوالى 90 کيلو متر، واقصى عرض لها حوالى 22 کيلو متر، وتقدر المساحه المغطاه بحوالى 650 کيلو (حوالى 160 الف فدان)، والبحيره عباره منخفض طبيعى عن مستوى سطح البحر البحر بحوالى 1-3 متر، ويفصله عن البحر شريط رملى ضيق ، الا انها تتصل بالبحر عن طريق فتحتين تسمى الفتحه الاولى بوغاز (1)، ويقع فى الغرب، والفتحه الثانيه تسمى بوغاز (2) يقع فى الشرق، وتعتبر الفتحات العامل الاساسى فى التغير فى ملوحة مياه البحيره، وهى العوامل الاساسيه التى تؤدى الى تغيرات واضحه للجموعات السمکيه الموجوده فى البحيره، وبالتالى تؤثر فى  الحجم والترکيب الانتاجى السمکى.

Keywords [العربیة]

  • بحيرة البردويل
  • الانتاج السمکى وحرفة الدبه